Anak bulan dan bintang tanda Agama Islam, agama negeri. Tombak merah di tengah-tengah ialah Sambu-warna. Di sebelah kanan ialah Keris Pendek dan di Kiri pula Keris Panjang. Ketiga-tiganya adalah Alat Kebesaran Negeri. Tulisan Jawi yang berbunyi "Dipelihara Allah" ialah cogan negeri. Di bawah cogan pula ialah tali bengkong yang dipakai sebagai iakt pinggang oleh pahlawan-pahlawan zaman dahulu.
Of course if having a shower just for women, that opens up other theme ideas like a tea party shower or a makeover shower. The elements involved might be vegetation, shrubs, water features, gazebos, etc. The following day the road is returned to normality and is 'business as usual'. [URL=http://lopolikumibo.com ]candlesnuffers[/URL] How can this get done? Manufactured using strong, durable materials that are implemented with beautiful patterns, these diaper totes are not just fashionable, but are guaranteed to draw some envious looks from the other mothers at daycare!